John McFall opened McFall’s Drugstore in September 1899 in the Morris Street Business District. He had graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in the spring and turned 21 that summer. In his manuscript, he told about the decisions he had to make. He told about having to convince his father about locating the store at 173 Smith Street where there was competition. It’s understandable that his parents would have a great interest in his success given they mortgaged their house to provide John with the capital he needed for rent, renovations and stock. It was a family affair since his grandfather, himself a painter, supervised the painting. It amazes me that John could recall the prices of the many items like signage, cabinets and drugs that he purchased. But, it’s a trait the John exhibits throughout the manuscript and that he honed taking care of himself in Philadelphia. The Preservation Society has done an outstanding job of documenting the neighborhood where John did business. The drugstore was at the intersection of Smith and Morris streets.